Musical director Fabio Luisi, Ann-Katrin Stöcker (31 Mar) Producer Robert Carsen Stage and costume design Gideon Davey Lighting designer Robert Carsen, Peter van Praet Choreography Philippe Giraudeau Choir director Ernst Raffelsberger Dramaturgy Ian Burton, Kathrin Brunner
Probably no opera hero arouses such laughter and such sympathy as the Seville barber. Thanks to the phenomenal comedy of Beaumarchais Figaro invents harmless intrigues, opposes iniquity and at the same time entertains to tears. Rossini’s extremely spontaneous music gives an incredible dynamism to the love adventures. The tempo and energy emanating from this work of the young composer have already accompanied the creation of The Barber: according to the.
Piotr Lempa plays the title role in Hans Krása’s, Brundibár, which was first publicly performed by the children of Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1943. Frederick Wake-Walker’s production for the Mahogany Opera Group was first seen at the Jubilee Hall in Aldeburgh in November 2014 followed by performances at London’s South Bank. The production has toured to various UK venues and further performances are planned next year